Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Busy, Busy Life!

How much crazier can the month of May get? Concerts, Prom, Banquets, Soccer Practices, Ice Hockey Practices, Surgery and Graduation...seriously? Not to mention, we move in 6 weeks!
Alex and his prom date
Tomorrow I am having my gallbladder removed. Although I am sick of being sick, I'm a nervous wreck! It's coming at such a bad time (do these things ever happen at a GOOD time?). I will have one week to recuperate before the graduation madness begins. I had planned to accomplish so much this week, but due to my nervousness (and as Eric puts it...hyperfocus) on the surgery, I have accomplished NOTHING!

I have managed to be somewhat creative this week, doing some decoupage to ease my mind.
Glass Jar turned Flower Pot
Grandmother's porcelain...attempting some decoupage on it
 Even Gideon has gotten in on the creativity. He has been painting up a storm.
Gideon painting a masterpiece
So, this is my week. Staying busy...I will be gone a few days due to recuperating time, but I will post updates as soon as I am able to. have a blessed week, everyone!!! I will be back soon!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Rosary!

I watched this video and thought I would share. It is so difficult, at times, to explain to non-Catholics why we do certain things...The Rosary always makes me feel closer to God. I love how it is explained in this video!

The Rosary Explained

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Autism is NOT a Curse

Elliott (age 6 & autistic)

OK...so I have been following a group on facebook about autism. I am LIVID! These people seem to believe that Autism is a curse, causing them great suffering...then the blame game kicks in. "I blame the pharmaceutical companies"..."I blame the doctors"...and my favorite comment thus far, "I hate those God people who think their children are a gift from God...God wouldn't give a child autism", yada, yada, yada...they see their children as "suffering", really?

Seriously, what is wrong with these parents? My children ARE a gift from God! I have never looked at my children's autism as a curse! I have realized over the last few days that so many parents feel that way, and it's so sad. How can they NOT see the many blessings? Elliott, my 6 year old, is autistic. He smiles more than my non-autistic children do! While he is stimming, flapping his arms, clapping his hands together, he is usually laughing and smiling while doing this. Suffering? I think not. My 18 year old, Kevin, who is also autistic, is the most caring kid in the house! (He did have a difficult childhood, but it is because of misdiagnosis for his first 12 years...that story will be posted soon) Once he was given the proper diagnosis, he THRIVED!

Me & Kevin (18 & autistic)

I find it very disturbing that these "activist parents" spend more time blaming and "walking for a cure" than they do on caring for and understanding their own children. They spend all of their energy fighting with others about how autism is BAD instead of using that energy in finding the strengths in their own children and "going with it"

Don't get me wrong. I am all about educating people and spreading awareness about Autism, part of the reason I started this blog...but I am seeing so much negative energy being spent on blaming and feeling sorry for themselves and not enough positive energy spent on the children. It burns me!

Sorry for the vent. My children ARE a gift from God. EVEN my autistic children. Each and every one has a purpose, and we may not know what the purpose is for a long time...but I KNOW God has His arms around them and won't let them fall. Stay positive! Focus on their strengths! Be a parent first, an activist second. God doesn't make mistakes, and he certainly didn't make a mistake when forming my beautiful children!

Elliott stimming in the chair!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

30 Days to Go...Alex

Where did the time go? 30 days and my 3rd child from the top graduates high school.

So, now is a good time to introduce my son, Alex.
Alex & me 2001

I always joke that he is my favorite because I had him the easy way...I didn't have to go through the pain of child birth! :) When Eric and I met, Alex was only 7. I have never considered him a step-son...he has been with me, going on 11 years now. He is an amazing young man and has been a fabulous brother to ALL of his siblings!
Alex & Little Brother Gideon

He had a rough road...going from being the only child and the center of attention for 7 years to being stuffed into a BIG instant family, but he handled it well! Within no time he blended in like he had been with us forever. It was difficult for Eric's side of the family to "let go" after having Alex to themselves for so long, but the road got easier with time.

I am so thankful I have been given the blessing of helping raise such a terrific young man!

National Honor Society 2011

Graduation is May 30th...party follows on May 31st at the Atlantic Hotel. (our favorite place to eat)

Atlantic Hotel
The Ballroom where we are having Alex's Graduation Party