Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Home School Madness

For fellow home schoolers, do you ever feel like there is just not enough time in the day to do it all? Some days I feel like nothing gets done. The last couple of weeks between my surgery, my tooth extraction and all the other craziness of our household, time just keeps flying by and I feel like I am accomplishing nothing. Yet, Elliott does most of his classes everyday, Gideon is flying through his pre-school program, doing more than he needs to daily and Emma seems to be on track...it still FEELS like I am failing at this. I am thinking I am too worried about a time-line and need to focus less on the time SPENT on school work, and focus more on PROGRESS being made by my kids. They are ALL progressing. I have to remind myself that if Emma was still in public school, she would still be in 6th grade, and she is a quarter of the way through 7th now. Elliott, if still in public school, would still be in Kindergarten, but is getting ready to begin 2nd grade by the end of summer and Gideon is going to be ready to start Kindergarten by summer and if in public school would still have to wait an entire other school year to start Kindergarten because he misses the age cutoff.

So, logically, I KNOW the kids are much better off here at home. And I do not question my decision to home school, ever! I just have sooooooooooooooooooo much to do in such little time. I think I need to re-organize my days. Maybe I just need a new "Super Mom Cape"...I will just have to sew one! :)

Hats off to ALL the home schoolers out there. It is NOT easy and is certainly a major time-suck...but in a good way! Just needed to write this to remind myself why I am doing this so I don't start questioning my decision to teach my kids at home.

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